by Code Inventor



With over 15,000 questions and more on the way, the Virtual University test preparation app can help you prepare for midterm and final semester examinations. You may discover all of the possible questions on any subject, along with answers, in a fairly chronological order.We provide a mechanism for you to test yourself with 500+ papers in the same way that a virtual university conducts exams.HIGHLIGHTS1. There are more than 30 subjects in the app, and were working on adding more.2. There are over 500 papers in the app, and we will be adding more soon.3. There are around 15000 questions in the app; Sonner, there will be more.4. Search: Search may be used to look for information on the subject or a question.5. Result: You may examine your test results history on your profile.This software also has several other features.Contact us at email: [email protected] We look forward to your feedback.